10 Steps to Creating a Business Online

Every business owner, salesperson, or professional has to ask himself one of the two questions "Am I using e-commerce correctly?" or "How do I effectively get involved in e-commerce?"

You can pay thousands of dollars on consulting fees, e-books, reports and not answer the first question.
To answer to the second question just follow these 10 steps.

Step 1 - Buy a domain name (your own DOT com). Go to Dotster and domain research names. Can a customer easily spell and remember it?

Step 2 - Write down your online goals and prepare a time and money budget. Know your products, know what you are selling.

What will i sell?

Who will i sell it to?

How soon do you want your e-commerce site up and running?

How much will you spend?

How many hours will you devote to the site and when?

Know your products, know what you are selling.

Step 3 - Surf the web to find other sites you like and dislike. Learn from others’ successes and mistakes by taking the best of what their sites offer and adapting it for your own use. This is called competition analysis or competitive analysis.
The best way to stand out on the internet is to know your competition so you can be better.

Step 4 - Design your site on paper. Define elements, look, feel, colors etc.
Then find a professional to design and code the site for you.

Step 5 - Maintain, change, and update your site at least once a month. (The one exception to this rule are those one- page, sales letter websites. Once you have one of those that performs well and makes sales, don't change it!!)

Step 6 - Promote your site at every opportunity. Tell people about it. Put your web address on your business cards and in all your ads. Some companies even advertise their web address when they put you on hold on the telephone.

Step 7 - Give people a self-serving reason to visit your site. Coupon savings, discounts, special incentives, free information, free stuff, and free newsletters represent excellent enticements for attracting visitors to your site.

Step 8 - Concentrate on obtaining an email address from every customer and potential customer.

Obtain permission to send periodic, value added emails to your database (this is called newsletter).

Use a list server to organize and maintain your mailing list.
Google "aweber" or "newsletter software" to find one of these list servers.

Step 9 - Always look for and use the simplest solution or option.

Whether adding a shopping cart, database or other option to your e-commerce operation, seek out and use the simplest answer for your needs. Google it!

Step 10 - Become educated and stay current in the world of e-commerce.

Learn the marketing and sales techniques of the online world.

Google is your best friend. Your next best friend is my blog. :D